Saturday, January 17, 2004

5 million aerial WW2 images to go online
"This huge photographic archive - up until now stored in thousands of boxes at Keele University - has now been made available to us all on line. The images - taken by RAF reconnaissance pilots - provided vital intelligence during war.
More than half a century on - these photographs give us a new perspective of the second world war - a birds eye view of history. One image shows American GI's landing on the morning of June the 6th 1944 - D Day."

The archive is available on Monday 19th January at this address:

Linus Torvalds, the Samba team and others get dunked for charity at LinuxConf 2004, Australia
ZDNet wrap up of LinuxConf
Newsforge reviews the Mepis distro
Mystery at Gusev crater
"Scientists are puzzled about a patch of soil near the Mars rover Spirit lander that they now call "Magic Carpet". The intrigue has been stirred up by how soil behaved when the lander’s airbags scraped across the martian soil. That soil appears to have been peeled away"